The Council of Governors Full Council has elected Embu County Governor Martin Wambora as the Council chair through consensus. While James Ongwae of Kisii County and Alex Tolgos of Elgeyo Marakwet will serve as Vice-Chair and Whip respectively.
The Embu Governor will be serving his two-term as the Council of Governors Chair.
Former Bomet County Governor Isaac Rutto, who also served as the Council Chair urged the officeholders to be champions of Devolution.
“I challenge the new leadership to provide empirical technical assistance to counties to ensure that required laws are enacted to realize the full implementation of devolved functions.” Isaac Rutto said.
“We must all stand up against every obstacle that hinders the full impact of devolution in our country.” He continued.
In a press briefing on Monday, the Council’s chairperson Martin Wambora stated that county governments are keen not to be sidelined in the construction of Level 3 hospitals across the country.
“Whereas the counties are not opposed to the construction of the hospitals, this exercise must be undertaken in accordance with the constitution, being cognizant of the fact that health is a devolved function,” Governor Wambora said
Wambora is serving his last term as the council of Governors Chair. The COG constitution allows one to serve for a maximum of two terms.