
You wont heal, you will live with the pain

When it comes to pain and getting hurt, I don’t think there ever is something like healing. It really never gets better. We just get used to the pain and learn how to live with it. When people show you who they are, believe them.

Stop making excuses for them. Do not try to change them since that is who they are. Trying to change them only brings more pain and harm since you can not condition them to operate how you want them to.   

Honestly, there is no way one can still be friends with those who keep breaking them apart.

Those who took advantage of your love, kindness, and forgiveness when all one had were good intentions at heart. Those people no longer deserve access to one’s life.

Yes, you cannot wish them a happy birthday even. Why celebrate their joy when they sing and dance to your sorrows and cries? Let everyone be thankful for their own birth.

In this generation where everyone wants to be regarded as the coldest inhumane human being alive, I am no longer surprised when people let me down.

I only hate the fact that I put myself in a position to be let down in the first place. People we trust go against all odds and hurt us and that sucks. However, it is no use crying over spilled milk. Hurts so much that at times it becomes unbearable and you have to carry it around with you every day.

Truth be told, the pain never goes away. We just get used to it and the memories serve as souvenir scars to remind you of what you have been through.

The best one can do is lie down in silence and let the people who brought the pain and hurt think you are losing it and that they are winning, but in reality, you are winning in silence by letting go of them.

The depth of one’s spiritual awakening is intrinsically connected to the amount of pain and darkness one has been through. Most evolved souls have endured lots of suffering and it is the sole reason most people try to avoid darkness so as to bring others light. In this way, the hurt people try not to hurt people.

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