Mason Greenwood will leave Manchester United with immediate effect
In a statement Manchester United said that they commenced investigations in February 2023, following all charges against Mason being dropped.
“Throughout, we have taken into account the wishes, rights and perspective of the alleged victim along with the club’s standards and values, and sought to collate as much information and context as possible. This has required us to proceed with sensitivity and care to obtain evidence not in the public domain, including from those with direct knowledge of the case.” Manchester United said
“Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged. That said, as Mason publicly acknowledges today, he has made mistakes which he is taking responsibility for.” Club statement read
While confirming his departure Greenwood said that he understands that “people will judge me because of what they have seen and heard on social media, and I know people will think the worst.”
“I was brought up to know that violence or abuse in any relationship is wrong, I did not do the things I was accused of, and in February I was cleared of all charges. However, I fully accept I made mistakes in my relationship, and I take my share of responsibility for the situations which led to the social media post.” Greenwood said.
“I am learning to understand my responsibilities to set a good example as a professional footballer, and I’m focused on the big responsibility of being a father, as well as a good partner.”
The 22-year-old striker, joined Manchester United aged seven was arrested on January 30 last year on suspicion of the rape and assault of a woman. He was then further arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and threats to kill.