The Communications Authority of Kenya Secretary General Ezra Chiloba has announced new calling rates.
The authority announced that Consumers will Enjoy Lower Calling Rates Following Review of Interconnection Rates by CA.
“In the latest review, the authority has capped the Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs) and Fixed Termination Rates (FTRs) at Ksh 0.12 per minute with effect from 1st January, 2022.” The Director General said.
MTRs and FTRs are the costs that operators charge each other to allow customers communicate across the networks.
Currently all the telecommunications are service providers are implementing an MTR and FTR of Ksh 0.99.
“The revised interconnection rate is projected to have a positive outcome for both the consumers and operators. At the retail level consumers will now enjoy access to a variety of affordable services across the networks. At the wholesale level, operators will have more price flexibility when developing innovative and affordable products. “The authority said.
The latest review was founded on the need to help consumers enjoy cheaper and affordable communication services.
This is not the first time the commission has made this changes, the first one was in 2007 and another one in 2010.