Greed Is Grinding

Greed is an excessive desire for more than is needed. Everyone wants that huge amount of money, that luxurious life-vacations, meaningful parties e.t.c.

Many are at the verge of doing anything to earn that extra. They can kill or sell their body parts provided some huge cash is going to flow.

Some ladies are possessed with greed for money. They go the extra mile for money without viewing things with a third eye.

A stranger approaches me at the rooftop of the plot I live and gives an account of her yester night’s ordeal. She initiates the conversation by borrowing me a trouser which I decline politely. Do I even know her?

She goes ahead narrating. “Last night will never be forgotten. I Work as a bartender in Embu County. So this man approaches me and I agree to close the work as early as seven so that we can go enjoy somewhere else. He seems to have money.

We head to Juja, at a renown bar where big artists are performing. He keeps asking for more drinks and I don’t know what happens afterwards, I regain consciousness at four in the morning and am totally confused.

 My phone, money, everything is gone and replaced by a condom in my pocket.A stranger in the bar offers to host me throughout the night after my countless pleas and here I am, he lives at this plot. My legs are swollen, looks like I was beaten.

I don’t know what am going to do; I don’t know how I’ll get home.My host is a drunkard, asleep now, at midday. I’ll ask him for two hundred shillings to purchase a skin tight since my trousers are dirty and torn.

Then I’ll head at the bus stage and plea for a free ride back home, where I’ll find someone I know to pay for me. Never will I ever do such nonsense again; follow a man for money.”

The ordeal hits me hard. I have heard of such cases but not from a primary source. Why are some ladies so careless? What do they take their life for?

Nothing comes freely in this world and if it does, you have to pay in one way or the other. You will only enjoy your sweat.

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