Stella Awinja

UON: Stella Awinja is the only campus student in Kenya with a hostel named in her honor

The late Stella Awinja is the only campus student in Kenya with a hostel named in her honor.

She was a third-year engineering student at the University of Nairobi where her prowess in poetry and theatre was evident.

She met her death when a rock fell on her while walking on the sidewalk during the construction of Lilian towers in 1984.

“During her graduation, her parents stood to receive an aegrotat degree on her honor which is meant for a student who doesn’t finish studies but the faculty believes would have anyways.
Six years after her death a request was made to rename what is now hall 14 in her memory. ”The University of Nairobi explained on its social media pages.

According to the University of Nairobi, Stella Awinja was formally known as Mary’s Hall. It was a hostel meant for senior students from all faculties.

“Also it was a hostel meant for single white women only until UON bought it. This is evident in the way it was constructed to look like an English countryside Hotel.”

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